
Motivation and Background.

A little journey in genealogy

I was always been fascinated by my family history. I love to hear stories from his grandparents and relatives about their ancestors and their origins. I spent hours browsing online databases and archives, looking for clues and connections. I wanted to learn more about his roots and share his findings with others.

I decided to create a tool that would help hobbyists like me to do genealogy research more easily and efficiently. He envisioned tool which can handle the genealogy data in form of GEDCOM files. In the first place my goal was to create appealing books.

I started working on this project in my spare time, using my skills in software development and data analysis.

After weeks of hard work, I finally launched his tool to the public. I am thrilled to see the response from the genealogy community.


Genealogy data is a valuable source of information for family history research. However, it can be difficult to access, organize, and present genealogy data in a clear and attractive way. One possible solution is to convert genealogy data to a book with LaTeX. LaTeX is a document preparation system that allows users to create high-quality typesetting using markup commands. By converting genealogy data to a book with LaTeX, users can benefit from the following advantages:

  • LaTeX can handle complex data structures and layouts, such as family trees, charts, tables, and graphs.
  • LaTeX can produce consistent and professional-looking output across different platforms and devices.
  • LaTeX can automate tasks such as numbering, cross-referencing, indexing, and bibliography generation.
  • LaTeX can support multiple languages and fonts, as well as special symbols and characters.
  • LaTeX can be customized and extended with various packages and styles to suit different needs and preferences.

Therefore, converting genealogy data to a book with LaTeX can be a useful and rewarding way to preserve and share family history in a readable and elegant format.